故事紧接着上一季,通过一场精心策划的大爆炸,沃尔特(布莱恩·科兰斯顿 Bryan Cranston 饰)终于除掉了长久以来的威胁古斯塔沃(吉安卡洛·埃斯珀西多 Giancarlo Esposito 饰),也将古斯塔沃一手建立的毒品帝国连根拔起。然而,“事业”上的成功并没有为沃尔特带来太多的快乐,因为他和妻子斯凯勒(安娜·古恩 Anna Gunn 饰)之间的关系再次跌落到了冰点。 古斯塔沃死了,但沃尔特的野心并没有消失,他联手杰西(亚伦·保尔 Aaron Paul 饰)与麦克(乔纳森·班克斯 Jonathan Banks 饰),开始建立属于他的新的帝国。一次偶然中,汉克(迪恩·诺里斯 Dean Norris 饰)在沃尔特家中发现了沃尔特就是海森堡的确凿证据,巨大的打击之下,他决心大义灭亲,昔日的连襟,如今沦为对手。与此同时,一股新的势力正在毒品圈内逐渐壮大,他们即将成为汉克最强大的敌人。
近未来的地球黄沙遍野,小麦、秋葵等基础农作物相继因枯萎病灭绝,人类不再像从前那样仰望星空,放纵想象力和灵感的迸发,而是每日在沙尘暴的肆虐下倒数着所剩不多的光景。在家务农的前NASA宇航员库珀(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)接连在女儿墨菲(麦肯吉·弗依 Mackenzie Foy 饰)的书房发现奇怪的重力场现象,随即得知在某个未知区域内前NASA成员仍秘密进行一个拯救人类的计划。多年以前土星附近出现神秘虫洞,NASA借机将数名宇航员派遣到遥远的星系寻找适合居住的星球。在布兰德教授(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰)的劝说下,库珀忍痛告别了女儿,和其他三名专家教授女儿艾米莉亚·布兰德(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)、罗米利(大卫·吉雅西 David Gyasi 饰)、多伊尔(韦斯·本特利 Wes Bentley 饰)搭乘宇宙飞船前往目前已知的最有希望的三颗星球考察。 他们穿越遥远的星系银河,感受了一小时七年光阴的沧海桑田,窥见了未知星球和黑洞的壮伟与神秘。在浩瀚宇宙的绝望而孤独角落,总有一份超越了时空的笃定情怀将他们紧紧相连……
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Chosen Family sees Ann, a yoga teacher trying to find inner peace despite the fact her family is manic, and whose dating life is miserable. Ann doesn’t know how to say no and finds herself fixing everyone’s problems. Struggling to repair her estranged relationship with her sister Clio, Ann relies on her friends Roz, Max and Frances to be her rock and guide her through life’s tr...
A young pregnant woman discovers that her perfect boyfriend may be a dangerous sleepwalker when she finds out of strange disappearances and murders taking place in the region.
After the end of the climate wars, there is probably one person left on Earth. Her name is Ewa. She lives with a robot named Arthur, whose job is to guard the borders of the camp. One day Ewa goes outside the camp boundaries. On her return she gives the incorrect password. The robot, despite knowing Eve, does not let her into the camp. She is trapped on a small patch of land. S...
Written by Anas Tellenne, the story revolves around the character of Raphal. Nearing sixty with a blind eye and an imposing physique, he’s well aware that people are afraid of him. He lives with his mother in a detached house located on a vast estate attached to the manor house of which he is the caretaker. He’s been leading a tranquil life since the owners passed away, but e...
The film follows two prisoners in the near future who are sentenced to a lifetime of hard labor on a distant planet. As things unravel, they become increasingly paranoid and start to lose a sense of who they are and their past lives.
Waking up chained to the ceiling in a warehouse somewhere in Lithuania Stephen, an ex-soldier, is faced by his interrogators. They tell him that he was involved in the kidnap of the Russian Foreign Minister by a far right group who will execute the Minister live on the internet in 90 minutes. They believe Stephen knows the whereabouts of the kidnapped Minister, but Stephen has ...
Taka, a shiftless young man, sets off on a quest to find his brother Mune. Teaming up with a quirky new friend and an edgy, mysterious young girl along the way, Taka finds himself taking on a pack of vicious monster cats determined to execute unscrupulous pet shop owners.
几位热爱打排球的年轻人——King(顾定轩饰)、Bobby(卢瀚霆饰)、阿柠(邱傲然饰)、方丈(柳应廷饰)、阿神(吕爵安饰)— 因为身高问题而被“翔鹰”排球队的教练放弃。他们偶然遇上排球梦碎的香港女子排球代表队的前队员蒋家瑜(邓丽欣饰),并以热血、活力再次唤醒家瑜的“排球魂”,令她成为香港男子排球史上第一位女教练。 排球队其后招募新人加入,当中包括潜质优厚的鱼仔(陈卓贤饰)。四年间,家瑜和“力图”排球队一起经历各种考验,在挫折中互相成长。家瑜亦尝试走出当年因受伤而退队的阴影,重燃当职业排球员的梦想。当年被看不起的“力图”排球队,创造出一个又一个的“小传奇”,更从排球联赛的丙组,晋身成联赛甲组冠军!他们用行动告诉大家,“We are the Littles”(我们不高),但别小看我们! 本剧创作灵感为香港男子排球队“力臻”由丙组联赛晋身至甲一联赛的故事。